Heidi's Pensieve

Welcome to my pensieve, certainly not as world-saving as Dumbledore's, definitely not as tortured as Snape's. Just some thoughts swirling around me head that I like to withdraw and leave here to moil around.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Pictures of Ourselves Then And Now

Heard this from my new friend Bobbi Kahler over the weekend in Houston:

Why is it we look at pictures of ourselves from 10 years previous and go: "Hmm, I look good then."? When are we going to like the pictures of ourselves today instead of waiting 10 years hence? 

Unfortunately with technology it is today, with every digital picture taken, we tend to say: "Delete! Delete!" and we might just not have any pictures of ourselves today that we could admire 10 years from now.

I could stand up and declaim: I do neither. That's not because I'm photogenic and look nice in every picture ever taken of myself. Also not because I'm looking better with the passing years. It's because I am uncomfortable when the camera is pointed my way and tend to turn away. And I do cringe every time I look at a picture of myself. My self-comment is invariably: "Yikes!"

So, from now on, I'm going to be proud of every picture of myself, although before that, I need to steel myself to having my picture taken.

1 comment:

  1. Funny how some folk love to have their pictures taken while some (like you and me) go urrrrgggghhhh, no, please!
    You're right - I should stop thinking, "Argh, so plump! I must lose weight!" every time I see a picture of myself that does not camouflage the flab, haha.
