Heidi's Pensieve

Welcome to my pensieve, certainly not as world-saving as Dumbledore's, definitely not as tortured as Snape's. Just some thoughts swirling around me head that I like to withdraw and leave here to moil around.

Monday, November 14, 2011

My Better Half

What do husbands mean when they refer to their wives as "My Better Half"?

A. Clever bit of political sweet-talk. Keeping the homefront in a good mood, on a jolly note, buttering up the wifey

B. In lieu of payment for peaceful and cheerful home front

C. Synonym for "My Long-suffering Spouse". Can't possibly say that, else people might think you a bad-tempered, grouchy SOB.

D. False modesty and a bit of Reverse Psychology. As in, when you introduce your wife as "My Better Half", people eventually realised that it's a misnomer and you are the real better half.

E. Pride of possession. That somebody like you could attract and convince into marriage somebody as intelligent as your better half

F. Politically correct term to use in relation to your spouse. Everybody's using it, so you better jump on the bandwagon before your wife takes you to task.

Now guys, if you refer to your wives as "My Better Half", and insist that your reason is "None of the Above", you truly mean that your spouse is better than you, would it be correct for your wives to refer to you as "My Worse Half"? Or "My Lesser Half"?

My husband insists that I am his better intellectually, spiritually, technologically, electronically and technically. (Though I'm not a technological whiz, I'm better than him in things technological. And in our household, I'm the handyman - I change the bulbs, the fuse, the plugs, I hook up all the electronic equipment, I could troubleshoot any household malfunction.) So then, should I then refer to him as MISTETWH (My Intellectually, Spiritually, Technologically, Electronically and Technically Worse Half)? Oops, sounds like "mistake" spoken with a lisp.

1 comment:

  1. I think it's playful more than anything else. A bit of blarney, a bit of respect, a bit of "I'm so nice I'm willing to say I'm not as nice as someone else."
